Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weather, Cancer, Rumblings

January in central Texas. You have to love the constant change of weather. Monday and Tuesday were beautiful days with temps warming to over 70 and then rain and cold for the foreseeable future. Two days of being in the nude hiking around the property and washing vehicles enjoying the light wind tickling the hairs on my body. I guess we have to have bad days to make us appreciate the good days.

I have a friend who is dying and will probably not live through this week. I just lost another friend a couple of weeks ago. My friend who is dying has cancer. She has fought it for many years. I know she did not want to die this way. None of us want to waste away to a disease; we want to be healthy right up to the end and then die and at a very old age. Cancer sucks.

I had cancer over a dozen years ago. Every year the doctor says I am in remission, never that I am cured. This must mean that it still is rumbling around inside me. I want it the hell out; GET OUT NOW! No one tells you how to do that, instead they tell you how to keep it hanging over your head so you can worry, pray, read, study about something that may or may not exist in you. I went this week to be told come back in a year and we will probe and push and test your body one more time to scare you until we tell you are ok again.  The oncologists need to figure out a better way.

Please pray for all those who have cancer, for those researching cures. Remission is good, cure is better.

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